About proudandkinky

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So far proudandkinky has created 74 blog entries.

From the Editor

Wishing all the kinksters in Las Vegas and beyond a Happy 2024! Looking back on 2023, PROUD & Kinky was able to accomplish some major goals. We dipped our toes into sponsoring Leather Titles for Las Vegas, and I think it has been a success to have community leaders step into these roles.

From the Editor2024-01-09T16:59:04-08:00

Let Me Wear Your Words With PRIDE

Join us during and after the Las Vegas PRIDE parade, on 10/6/23 @ 7 PM to keep celebrating diversity with live art. Ashley will be located on Fremont Street toward the end of the parade, ready with a canvas of skin for your expressions. This artist and activist invites you to respectfully use her body as a space for your art and thoughts.

Let Me Wear Your Words With PRIDE2023-08-29T16:29:05-07:00

The Punk Rock Museum

Visiting The Punk Rock Museum provides a unique opportunity to delve into punk rock’s vibrant and rebellious world while recognizing its intrinsic connection to queer culture. Punk rock, with its infamous nonconformist spirit, has always provided a platform for marginalized communities to express themselves and challenge societal norms.

The Punk Rock Museum2023-09-15T17:50:15-07:00

Sex Magick

I don’t think I’ve ever seen “Sex Magick” listed as a sexual kink. The Miriam-Webster dictionary defines kink as “relating to, having, or appealing to unconventional tastes especially in sex”. While the goal of Sex Magick is not orgasm for sexual pleasure, it is most definitely unconventional and, therefore, qualifies as a kink.

Sex Magick2023-08-23T15:59:25-07:00
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